It happens all the time and it may happen one time too many! You create an email with the wrong information or send it to the wrong people and then realize this a few seconds later. That dark sided comment you made or embarrassing email was just sent to a supervisor or a co-worker and now its too late. All you needed to have was just a few minutes and you could of saved this bad impression you’ve made.
A simple email delay sending program or app can be a life saver and easily put in place in just a few clicks.
For Outlook use the “Defer” rule. It pauses all messages for a few minutes and gives you a reasonable amount of time to recover the bad email.
Send Later is a program that can schedule your email to be sent at a specific time. Send Later gives you the option to receive notifications for your “about to be sent” emails and can send repetitive emails at intervals all in using an easy 5 step Wizard.
Boomerang for Gmail lets you take control of when you send an email message. You can write it now and schedule it to be sent when you feel its the perfect time. There is a nice “Reminder” feature, so if you don’t hear back you will be reminded to follow up with people.
Message Delayer allows you to text any time, set a date or delay the time its sent. You can send morning messages without waking up, repeat daily, weekly or design your own schedule. Even with your phone off it will still work!
Email Later is a FREE Android application that allows you to send emails anytime that you decide for Gmail. You can choose recipients from your phone or create new ones. Very easy to set up with automatic install and a user friendly interface.
Regardless of what you choose to use, it is a good practice to hold your email from being sent for a few seconds and protect your reputation.